As we age, topical skin products and treatments start to lose their power in healing imperfections and reducing the signs of aging in our skin. Laser rejuvenation treatments can help target problem areas that superficial treatments cannot fix. This includes:

  • reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  • reducing large pore size
  • restoring even skin tone by erasing sunspots, discoloration and pigmentation
  • increase collagen and elastin production to rejuvenate your skin
  • reduce sagging and laxity
  • reduce scars from acne
  • remove vascular lesions
  • reduce rosacea



Non-ablative laser resurfacing is a skin resurfacing treatment that sends pulses of light (microbeams) into the skin to gently treat the desired area without affecting healthy skin. The light is delivered in columns rather than across the entire area which helps promote a natural healing process of the treated areas. This results in significantly diminished scarring, fine lines and wrinkles as well as the promotion of healthier, youthful and smoother skin.

While most patients receive it on and around the face, non-ablative laser resurfacing can be used anywhere on the body in which there is visible scarring, prominent signs of aging, and/or other skin damage. The treatment is gentle and has a healing period of less than a day. It can also be used in combination with other aesthetic treatments like chemical peels, wrinkle modulator injections, and fillers for a more dramatic improvement.

At Aria Aesthetics and Wellness, we provide state of the art laser rejuvenation with our LightPod Neo® from Aerolase®. This high-powered 1064 nm laser can treat any skin type. Your safety is our primary concern and you can have confidence knowing that all laser treatments are performed by a certified nurse practitioner.


Results after three treatments with the LightPod Neo® from Aerolase®



Your face will be washed with a gentle cleanser. You will be provided with eye protection to wear during the procedure. A small hand piece or “wand” is placed against your skin and the laser is activated. The hand piece is repositioned and the laser is activated again. There is minimal pain associated with the procedure and at most will feel similar to a rubber band snapping lightly against your skin.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing treatments may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the area to be treated. Our experts at Aerolase® recommend a series of treatments over several weeks or months to achieve the full results of non-ablative laser resurfacing. You can expect to see gradual changes in the texture and pigment of the skin over the course of the treatments.


Avoid heat and strenuous activity in the first 24 hours after your treatment. Avoid sun expose for two weeks and make sure you use a mineral based sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Avoid heavy makeup in the first 24 to 48 hours after your treatment. We will provide you with a post procedure skin care kit from PCA Skin® that includes a facial wash, soothing 1% hydrocortisone cream, mineral based SBP 30 sunscreen, light moisturiser, and a moisturizing balm. Do not use any skin regimen that cointains retinoids (Retinol, Retin-A, Atralin, etc.) 1-2 weeks prior to the initial treatment and throughout the course of treatment. These can be restarted 2 weeks after your final treatment.


Results after four treatments with the LightPod Neo® from Aerolase®